Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason – 3 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

As students, we all understand the importance of attending school regularly to keep up with our studies. However, there may be times when we need to take a leave from school due to personal reasons. Whether it’s due to illness, family emergencies, or unforeseen circumstances, taking a leave from school is sometimes necessary.

In such situations, seeking permission from the school for leave is crucial. Not only does it adhere to school policies, but also ensures minimal disruption to our studies. However, writing an application for leave in school can be a daunting task, especially if we are unsure about the format and information to include.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to write an application for leave in school for personal reasons in India. We will cover the necessary information to include in your application and highlight the importance of seeking permission for leave from school. Additionally, we will provide samples of well-written and poorly written applications, along with explanations of what makes them good or bad. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to write an effective application for leave in school that meets the necessary requirements and gets approved.

Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason by Parents

The Class Teacher,
Grade __,
School Name,

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason by Parents

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to inform you that my (child’s name) studying in (class) section (section) will be unable to attend school from (start date) to (end date) due to (personal reason).

Kindly consider the leave application and excuse my child’s absence during this period. Please provide necessary assignments or homework which needs to be completed during this period.

Thank you.


(your name and relation to the child)

Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason by Parents

Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason for Teacher

The Principal,
School Name,

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason for Teacher

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to inform you that I need to take leave from school from start date) to (end date) due to (personal reason). I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my absence.

Please let me know if there are any duties that need to be delegated to my substitute teacher during my absence.

Thank you.


(your name and designation)

Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason for Teacher

Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason in Hindi

सेवा में,
स्कूल का नाम,

विषय: छुट्टी के लिए आवेदन

प्रिय सर/मैडम,

मैं (छात्र/छात्रा का नाम) की माता/पिता हूँ जो (कक्षा) अध्ययनरत है उसे(शुरू करने की तारीख) से (समाप्त करने की तारीख) तक स्कूल नहीं आता होगा| यह मुख्य रूप से (व्यक्तिगत कारण) के कारण है|

कृपया छुट्टी का आवेदन मान्य करें और इस अवधि में मेरे बच्चे की अनुपस्थिति क्षमा करें| कृपया अपने असाइनमेंट या होमवर्क को पूरा करने के लिए आवश्यक निर्देश दें|


सम्मान से,

(आपका नाम और बच्चे से संबंध)

Application for Leave in School for Personal Reason in Hindi

Check More Hindi Applications

Application for leave in School for Personal Reason

Taking a leave from school for personal reasons can be a difficult decision, but writing the application for leave doesn’t need to be complex. In fact, the process can be made much simpler by following the right structure and including the necessary components of a proper application. In this section, we will cover the key components and structure that should be included in a sound application for leave in school for personal reasons in India.

Components of a proper application

When it comes to writing an application for leave in school, there are specific components that need to be included to ensure that the application is effective and serves its purpose. Here are the critical elements of a proper application for leave in school:

  • Date and address: Begin by adding the date and address of the school along with the recipient’s name.
  • Salutation: The next step is to provide an appropriate salutation. You can address the principal or concerned authority by using appropriate phrases, for example: “Respected Sir/Madam.”
  • Reason for Leave: It’s essential to state the reason for the requested leave. Be specific and provide adequate details on why you need a leave, whether it is due to illness, personal emergencies, or any other reasons.
  • Leave period: Mention the exact dates or duration of the leave period requested. That is, the date you want the leave to start, and the date you intend to resume classes.
  • Promise to catch up on missed work: A brief statement pledging to catch up on all the missed coursework and assignments during the absence is also recommended.
  • Contact information of parents or guardian: Put down contact information (such as an email or phone number) your parents/guardians can be reached at in case of emergency.

Structuring the application

A well-structured application is vital to ensure it meets its objective and makes a positive impression with school authorities. Here’s how you can structure your application for leave in school:

  • Introduction: Begin your application by stating the purpose of your letter. Mention your name, class, and division and explain that you’re writing to request leave.
  • Reason for Leave: Explain the reason for your leave clearly and honestly. Be concise and provide relevant details.
  • Leave Period: Specify the dates that you’re requesting your leave to start and when you intend to resume your classes.
  • Pledge to Catch up on Missed Work: You can end your application by pledging to catch up on all the missed course work and assignments during the absence.
  • Formal Closure: End your application on a formal note. Include a polite and respectful phrase such as “Thank you” or “Sincerely” and sign your application.

By following these guidelines, you can craft a well-structured and effective application for leave in school for personal reasons.


What are the necessary details to include in an application for leave in school?

An application for leave in school should include the reason for leave, the duration of the leave, and any other necessary information such as the date of return or a brief explanation of the reason for leave.

How should parents address the application for leave to the school?

Parents should address the class teacher or the principal of the school, depending on the purpose of the application. They should address the recipients respectfully and include the subject line clearly mentioning that it is an application for leave.

Is it necessary to enclose any supporting documents along with the application for leave?

It may be necessary to attach supporting documents, such as a medical certificate or proof of an emergency, depending on the reason for leave. It is best to consult the school’s policies regarding supporting documents required for leave applications.

What is the ideal length for an application for leave in school?

An application for leave in school should be brief and concise, ideally between 50-60 words. It should clearly convey the purpose of the leave, the period of absence, and any necessary information regarding the activities that need to be caught up on.

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