Medical Leave Application for School – 5 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Writing a medical leave application is an essential but often overlooked aspect of a student’s academic journey. Whether it’s due to a sudden illness, unexpected injury, or any other unforeseen circumstance, applying for a medical leave is crucial to ensure that a student can recuperate and recover without falling behind in academics.

In India, writing a medical leave application for school follows a specific format and set of rules which are essential to follow to get the application approved. Knowing the correct format and writing an effective application can also help the school understand the exact reason for the student’s absence, and thus make the necessary arrangements for the student’s return.

In this article, we will discuss the proper format for writing a medical leave application in India for school and provide some samples to help you understand better. Moreover, we will provide tips to write an effective medical leave application that increases the chances of approval, keeping in mind the school’s rules and regulations. Let’s dive in and explore the importance and proper way to write a medical leave application for school in India.

Medical Leave Application for School Teacher

The Principal,
School Name,

Subject: Medical Leave Application for School Teacher

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I am not feeling well and require medical leave from school for (duration). I am suffering from (reason) and need to recover. I assure you that I will complete all pending work and assignments before my absence.

Thank you for your kind understanding.


Medical Leave Application for School Teacher

Medical Leave Application for School From Parents

The Class Teacher,
School Name,

Subject: Medical Leave Application for School From Parents

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to inform you that my child (name) of (class) is suffering from (reason) and requires medical leave from school for (duration). I have attached the medical certificates for your reference. Kindly excuse his/her absence.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

(Name of parent)

Medical Leave Application for School From Parents

Medical Leave Application for School Teacher to Principal

The Principal,
School Name,

Subject: Medical Leave Application for School Teacher to Principal

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to request medical leave from school for (duration). I am suffering from (reason) and need to recover. I will ensure that all my pending work will be completed before my absence. Kindly grant me leave from (start date) to (end date).

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Medical Leave Application for School Teacher to Principal

Medical Leave Application for School for Fracture

The Class Teacher,
School Name,

Subject: Medical Leave Application for School for Fracture

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have sustained a fracture and need to take leave from school for (duration). I have attached the medical certificates for your reference. Kindly excuse my absence and arrange for any necessary coursework or assignments.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Medical Leave Application for School for Fracture

Medical Leave Application for School in Hindi

सेवा में,
स्कूल का नाम,

विषय: चिकित्सा अवकाश हेतु आवेदन

प्रिय सर/मैडम,

संबंधित आवेदक हुँ। मैं आपको सूचित करना चाहता हुँ कि मुझे बीमारी के कारण स्कूल से अवकाश लेना होगा। मैं (अवकाश की अवधि) के लिए अनुमति चाहता हूँ। मैं (बीमारी की वजह) से पीड़ित हूँ। मैं आपको आश्वस्त करता हूँ कि मैं अपने अभी बाकी कामों को पूरा कर दूँगा।

आपकी अनुमति के लिए धन्यवाद।


Medical Leave Application for School in Hindi

Also Check: Leave Application in Hindi

Medical Leave Application for School Format

When applying for a medical leave in India, it is crucial to follow the correct format to ensure that the application is accepted. The standard format consists of certain components that need to be included while writing the application and structuring it correctly, as discussed below:

Components of a Proper Application

The following are the components that make up a medically authorized leave from school:

  1. Date: The medical leave application should include the date on which you are submitting the application. It is essential to submit the application as early as possible to ensure that the school has enough time to review and approve it.
  2. Addressing to the Principal: The application should be addressed to the Principal of the school. Make sure to include the name of the principal, school name, and address at the beginning of the application.
  3. Subject Line: The subject line should clearly mention that the application is for a medical leave and include the date and duration of the leave.
  4. Body: The body of the application should consist of the reason for the leave, the duration, and expected date of the return. Additionally, the student or parent/guardian’s contact information should be included to keep the school updated.
  5. Closing: A formal closing line acknowledging the inconvenience caused to the school and thanking the principal for his understanding should be included.
  6. Signature: The application should end with your signature, indicating that the information provided is true and accurate.

Structuring the Application

The structure of a medical leave application is equally important as the components themselves. It is necessary to structure the application appropriately so that the principal can understand your request quickly.

A well-structured medical leave application should consist of the following elements:

  1. Introduction: Begin with a salutation and a few lines to show an interest in academics and how the leave is necessary for your student’s overall wellbeing.
  2. Reason for Leave: Explain the reason behind the leave in a clear and concise manner. This should include a brief explanation of the illness, injury, or circumstance that led to the need for the leave.
  3. Duration of Leave: Indicate the expected date of the return and the duration for which the leave is required.
  4. Efforts to catch up with studies: This section is optional but helps indicate the student’s willingness to catch up on missed work and stay on top of academics.

Overall, writing a medical leave application requires following a structured format and providing the necessary components that the school looks for. By carefully understanding and following the format and components discussed above, it is possible to write an effective medical leave application that increases the chances of approval while considering the principal’s decision to approve or deny the leave.


Who can apply for Medical Leave in school?

School teachers and students who are suffering from any illness or medical condition can apply for a medical leave.

How many days of medical leave can a student get from school?

The number of days for medical leave is usually decided by school authorities and medical certificates are required to be submitted for the approval of such leaves.

Can students take a medical leave without providing medical certificates?

It depends on the school’s policy. However, in most cases, medical certificates are mandatory to provide for medical leaves.

Can a parent apply for a medical leave for the student?

Yes, parents can apply for medical leave for their child by writing an application to the class teacher with the medical certificate of the child.

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