Application for Leave in School – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Are you a student in India who needs to take a leave from school anytime soon? It’s important to plan ahead and communicate your absence to the school authorities in the right way.

Writing a leave application is an essential skill that every student should possess. It not only ensures that your absence is justified but also presents you as a responsible and organized individual to your teachers and principal.

However, not everyone is familiar with the proper format and language to use while writing a leave application. That’s where this article comes in! We have created a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about writing a leave application in India.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step format to follow while writing your application, along with five sample applications for different scenarios. We will also share some tips and tricks to help you write an effective leave application that is concise, informative, and well-received by your school authorities.

So, whether you are taking a medical leave, a personal leave, or going on a holiday, this article will equip you with the knowledge and skills to write the perfect leave application. Let’s get started!

Sample Application for Leave in School for Marriage

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,
Subject: Application for Leave in School for Marriage

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a leave of absence for my presence at a family member’s wedding. I need to travel out of state for the wedding ceremony from (Date) to (Date). As my board exams are nearing, I would ensure to catch up with all the missed classes and complete all assignments. Kindly grant me leave for the mentioned days.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name and Class)

Application for Leave in School for Marriage

Simple Application for Sick Leave in English for Class 3

The Class Teacher,
School Name,
Subject: Application for Sick Leave in English for Class 3

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you that my child, (Child’s Name & Class), is suffering from a high fever for the past two days and hence won’t be able to attend the school. I have consulted our family doctor, and he has advised (No. of days) leave for proper rest and recovery. Kindly grant sick leave to my child from (Date) to (Date).

Thank you.

(Your Name and Relationship with Child)

Application for Sick Leave in English for Class 3

Application for Exam Preparation by Student to Class Teacher

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,
Subject: Application for Exam Preparation by Student

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Name and Class) writing this letter to request a leave of absence from (Date) to (Date) to prepare for upcoming board exams. As we all know, this exam plays a critical role in our academic career, and I want to dedicate all my time, effort, and attention towards its preparation. I assure you that I will be catching up with all the missed classes and complete all assignments after I resume classes.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name and Class)

Application for Exam Preparation by Student

School Leave Application for Village Festival to Principal

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,
Subject: School Leave Application for Village Festival

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to request a leave of absence from (Date) to (Date) to celebrate a religious festival in my village with my family. This is an essential festival for my community and culture. I request you to kindly grant me leave for the mentioned days and ensure to catch up on all the missed classes and complete all assignments once I resume school.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name and Class)

School Leave Application for Village Festival

Sample Application for Absent in School Due to Fever 

The Class Teacher,
School Name,
Subject: Application for Absent in School Due to Fever

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, (Your Name and Class), am writing this letter to inform you that I was unable to attend school on (Date) due to a high fever. As per my doctor’s advice, I am taking a rest at home until (Date). Kindly excuse my absence and ensure to provide me with notes and assignments missed during the mentioned days.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name and Class)

Application for Absent in School Due to Fever

Urgent Piece of Work Leave Application Sample

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,
Subject: Urgent Piece of Work Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Name and Class) writing this letter to request for a leave of absence from (Date) to (Date) due to some urgent piece of work at my home. I assure you that I will be catching up with all the missed classes and completing all assignments once I resume classes.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name and Class)

Urgent Piece of Work Leave Application

Application for Leave in School Format and Sample

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,
Subject: Application for Leave in School Format

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, (Your Name and Class), would like to request a leave of absence from (Date) to (Date) for (Reason). I assure you that I will be catching up with all the missed classes and complete all assignments as soon as I resume the classes.

Kindly consider my request and grant me leave for the same.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your Name and Class)

Application for Leave in School Format

Simple Application for Leave in School in English

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,
Subject: Application for Leave in School in English

Respected Madam/Sir,

I, (Your Name and Class), am writing this letter to kindly request a leave of absence from (Date) to (Date) as I will be (Reason for Leave). I will be following up with all the missed classes and complete all assignments once I return to school.

Thank you.


(Your Name and Class)

Application for Leave in School in English

Death Leave Letter For School to Principal

The Principal,
[School Name],
[School Address].

Subject: Death Leave Letter For School.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Greetings. It is with profound sadness that I have to inform you about the demise of [relationship] on [date]. I therefore request you to kindly grant me leave for [number of days] days starting from [date], to make necessary arrangements and attend the last rites of the deceased. I will make sure to complete all missed academic work and assignments after my return. Kindly consider my situation and oblige.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Death Leave Letter For School

Application For Leave In School Format: Things to Consider

As students, taking leave from school is sometimes necessary. Whether it’s because of health issues, family emergencies, or other personal reasons, informing the school of your absence is essential. However, writing a leave application can be daunting, especially if you’re unsure of the proper format and structure to follow. In this article, we will break down the components of a proper application for leave in school and show you how to structure your application in the correct way.

Components of a Proper Application

A leave application should contain the following components.

1. Heading – The application should have a concise heading, which mentions the purpose of the application, such as “Application for Medical Leave”.

2. Student Details – The application should begin with the student’s name, class, and section or roll number, as this information is important for the school authorities to identify the right student.

3. Subject – The subject of the application should clearly state the reason for the leave and the date(s) on which the leave is required.

4. Reason for Leave – The reason for leave should be mentioned clearly and precisely. This could be a medical reason, a family emergency, or a personal reason.

5. Duration – The duration of the leave should be mentioned, including the exact dates of absence.

6. Contact Details – The application should also include the student’s contact details, such as their phone number or email address, as this will help the school authorities contact the student or their parent/guardian in case of any queries.

Structuring the Application

Now that you know what components to include in your leave application, let’s get to the structure. Here’s how to structure your application for leave in school.

1. Start with the heading, which should be brief but descriptive.

2. Address the application to the Principal of your school.

3. Begin with a polite and respectful salutation, such as “Respected Sir/Madam”.

4. In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and briefly mention the purpose of the application.

5. In the second paragraph, provide details about yourself and your leave, including your name, class, section/roll number, reason for leave, and exact dates of absence.

6. In the third paragraph, express gratitude for considering your application and mention that you will ensure that you make up for the missed classes. If relevant, mention that you have already informed your teacher(s) about your absence.

7. End with a polite and respectful closing note, such as “Thanking you in advance for your kind consideration”, followed by your name and signature.

By following the above components and structure, you can easily create an effective and well-structured application for leave in school.


What are some common reasons for leave in school?

Some common reasons for leave in school are illness, family event, personal reasons, marriage, death in the family, etc.

What is the ideal duration for leave in school?

The duration of leave depends on the reason for leave. However, it is advised to limit the leave to a minimum number of days required to attend to the matter at hand.

Can students take leave without prior permission?

No, students cannot take leave without prior permission from the school authorities. It is mandatory to submit an application for leave stating the reason for leave and duration of absence. Exceptional cases can be considered after a thorough review by the authorities.

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