Sick leave application in English – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Are you feeling unwell and needing to take a sick leave from work? As an employee in India, it’s important to know how to write a professional and effective sick leave application in English. A well-written sick leave application not only helps you take time off work but also creates a good impression on your employer. However, it can be challenging to know where to start, especially if you’re not familiar with the correct format and language to use.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of writing a sick leave application in English, specifically for Indian employees. We’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on the correct format to follow and the essential details to include. We’ll also share tips on how to make your application sound professional and polite. Additionally, we’ll provide a range of sick leave application samples for different situations, so you’ll have a reference or template to help you write your own application with ease.

By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to know to write an effective sick leave application in English and feel confident in asking for time off work. So let’s get started!

Sick Leave Application in English for 3rd Class

The Class Teacher,
[School Name],

Subject: Sick Leave Application in English for 3rd Class

Dear Sir/Madam,

My son/daughter [Name] is in [Grade and Section] and is suffering from [Illness]. Due to this, I request you to grant him/her a sick leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I have attached the medical certificate fwith this application for your verification.

Thank you!

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application in English for 3rd Class

Sick Leave Application in English for 7th Class

The Class Teacher,
[School Name],

Subject: Sick Leave Application in English for 7th Class

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to inform you that my son/daughter [Name] is a student in [Grade and Section]. Unfortunately, he/she is not feeling well and the medical doctor has advised him/her to take proper rest for [Number of Days] days. Hence, I kindly request you to grant [Name] leave from [Start Date] to [End Date].

Thank you in advance.

[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application in English for 7th Class

Sick Leave Application in English for 9th Class

The Class Teacher,
[School Name],

Subject: Sick Leave Application in English for 9th Class

Dear Principal/Teacher,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I am [Name], a student of [Grade and Section]. I am suffering from [Illness]. Therefore, I am writing this application to request you to grant me a leave for [Duration] days, starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Attached herewith is my medical certificate.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours truly,
[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application in English for 9th Class

Sick Leave Application in English for School

The Principal/Administrator,
[School Name],

Subject: Sick Leave Application in English for School

Dear Sir/Madam,

My child [Name] is a student at your esteemed school, studying in [Grade and Section]. He/She is currently not keeping well and requires medical attention. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant [Name] a sick leave for [Duration] days, i.e., from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Please find the medical certificate attached for verification.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application in English for School

Sick Leave Application in English for Nursery Class

The Class Teacher,
[School Name],

Subject: Sick Leave Application in English for Nursery Class

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am [Your Name], the parent of [Name], who is a student in [Nursery/Pre-KG/KG] at your school. I regret to inform you that my child has been feeling unwell with [Illness] and is advised to take a rest by the doctor. Therefore, kindly grant him/her a leave of [Duration] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. The medical certificate is attached to this application for your reference.

Thank you for understanding.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application in English for Nursery Class

Sick Leave Application in English for Office

[Manager/Team Leader],
[Company Name],

Subject: Sick Leave Application in English for Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and have been advised by the doctor to take immediate medical rest. I am therefore requesting you to grant me a leave of [Number of Days] starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Please find the medical certificate enclosed herewith.

Thank you for your time.

[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application in English for Office

Sick leave application in English Format

When it comes to taking a sick leave from work, it’s essential to know the correct format to follow when writing a sick leave application in English. A well-structured and professional application not only helps you get leave from work but also creates a positive impression on your employer. Here are the components of a proper sick leave application and how to structure it.

Components of a proper application

A sick leave application in English must contain specific components that provide vital information to your employer. These components include:

  1. Employee Details: Start by including your name, employee ID number, work department, and job title. This information lets your employer know who you are quickly.
  2. Date of Leave: Specify the start and end date of your sick leave, and how many days you need off work.
  3. Reason for Leave: Explain the reason for your leave in brief, giving enough information for your employer to understand the reason.
  4. Contact Information: Include your phone number and email address, so your employer can contact you if necessary.
  5. Signature: Sign and date your application, so it becomes a formal document that can be kept on record.

Structuring the application

The next step is to structure your sick leave application in English correctly. Here are some tips on how to structure your application:

  1. Use Clear Language: Start your application by using a polite and professional tone.
  2. Be Concise and to the Point: Write a brief and straight-to-the-point application. It should fit on one page and be easy to read.
  3. Follow the Correct Format: Adhere to your company’s specific sick leave application format, if any.
  4. Keep it Simple: Avoid using technical language or medical jargon that may be difficult for your employer to understand.

In conclusion, writing a proper sick leave application in English is essential for every employee. By following the correct format and structure, you can ensure you’re properly requesting time off work and providing necessary information to your employer. So, take the time to write a well-structured and professional sick leave application in English, and make your absence from work a smooth process.



What is a sick leave application?

A sick leave application is a written request to an employer or school, informing them of your absence from work or school due to a sickness or illness.

What should be included in a sick leave application?

A sick leave application should include your name, the date you are writing the application, the date(s) you will be absent, and the reason for your absence, preferably with a medical certificate attached.

Is it necessary to attach a medical certificate with a sick leave application?

It is not always necessary, but it is recommended. Some employers and schools may ask for a medical certificate as proof of illness.

Who should I address in my sick leave application?

You should address your application to the relevant authority, such as your employer in the case of an office, or your class teacher in the case of a school.

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