Application for Cheque Book Issue – 15+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

If you are an account holder in India, you must be familiar with the importance of Cheque Books in our routine banking transactions. Cheque Books are an essential tool for carrying out easy and secure transactions, and these days, digital methods of transactions have become popular in India. However, having a cheque book on hand can be useful for situations where online transactions can’t be used, or there is no internet connectivity.

If your cheque book is over, lost, or stolen, then you will need to apply for a new one. But, do you know how to apply for a new cheque book? If you are wondering how to request or apply for a new cheque book, then you are in the right place.

In this article, we will guide you on how and when to apply for a new cheque book in India. We’ll also inform you about the methods of requesting a new cheque book and the necessary information and procedures for a successful application. Additionally, we will provide you with a sample format of a cheque book request application, along with important points to keep in mind while filling up the application form.

So, are you ready to learn how to apply for a new cheque book in India? Let’s get started!

Sample Application for cheque book issue in bank

The Branch Manager,
[Name of Bank],
[Branch Address],
[Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Cheque Book Issue

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request the issuance of a new cheque book for my [Account Type] account with [Bank Name], [Branch Name], account number [Account Number]. I have run out of my old cheque leaves, and I need new ones urgently to make payments for my daily transactions.

Please issue me a new cheque book containing [Number of Leaves] leaves at the earliest. I am willing to pay any applicable charges for this service.

I would appreciate it if you would kindly process my application as soon as possible.

Thanking you for your kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Account Number]
[Contact Number]

Application for cheque book issue in bank

Cheque Book request letter to Bank Manager Example

The Manager,
[Bank Name],
[Branch Address],
[State, Pin Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a new cheque book for my account [Account Number: __]. I have only a few pages left in my current cheque book, and I would like to request a new cheque book to avoid any inconvenience.

I request you to kindly issue me a new cheque book of [Number of Leaves] leaves, in order to meet my daily banking needs. Please let me know if there are any formalities that I need to complete for the same.

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Account Number]

Cheque Book request letter to Bank Manager Example

Sample Application for Cheque Book facility

The Branch Manager,
[Bank Name],
[Branch Address],

Sub: Application for Cheque Book Facility

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a Cheque Book Facility for my account No. [Insert account number]. I have been a customer of your bank for [Insert number of years] years and have been satisfied with the services offered by the bank.

I need a Cheque Book to carry out regular transactional needs for my business/personal use. The Cheque Book will greatly help me in managing my financial transactions in a better and efficient way. Therefore, I kindly request you to provide this facility at the earliest.

I am aware that there are different types of cheque books available and I would like to request a [Insert type of cheque book] cheque book. I would be grateful if you could kindly suggest any other type of cheque book that would be suitable for my transactional needs.

I assure you that I will use the cheque book responsibly and keep it safe. Thank you for considering my request. I hope for a positive response from your end soon.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Sample Application for Cheque Book facility

Application for cheque book and ATM card Sample


The Manager,
ABC Bank,
New Delhi.

Subject: Application for Cheque Book and ATM Card

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to request a Cheque Book and ATM Card for my Savings Account (Account Number: XXXXXXXX) with your esteemed bank. I had recently opened the account and have already completed the necessary formalities.

I am in urgent need of the Cheque Book for my personal transactions and the ATM card will help me to withdraw money from any part of the country at any time. Moreover, as I am a working professional and my job requires me to travel frequently, the ATM Card will be useful for me to carry out cashless transactions and make online payments.

Therefore, kindly issue the Cheque Book and ATM Card at the earliest to avoid any inconvenience to me.

Thanking you for your kind co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

Application for cheque book and ATM card Sample

Application for Cheque book and passbook Format


The Branch Manager,
[Bank Name],
[Branch Address].

Subject: Application for Cheque Book and Passbook

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request you for a new cheque book and passbook for my savings account. My account number is [Enter Account Number Here]. I have exhausted my old cheque book and my passbook is filled with transactions.

I request you to issue a new cheque book containing [Enter Number of Cheques] cheques. and a new passbook with updated account transactions. I need the cheque book to make some payments, and the passbook to keep track of my account activities.

I will be grateful if you could kindly process my request as soon as possible. Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Thank you for considering my request.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]
[Your Account Number]

Application for Cheque book and passbook Format

Application for cheque book with name example

The Branch Manager
[Name of Bank]
[Address of Bank]

Subject: Application for Cheque Book with Name


I am writing this letter to request a cheque book for my savings account with the account number [mention your account number]. I had last applied for a cheque book one year back, and my current cheque book has exhausted.

Therefore, I request you to kindly issue a new cheque book with [Mention the number of cheque leaves required] leaves with my name printed on it. Having a cheque book would enable me to make transactions easily, especially in circumstances where alternative modes are not possible.

I assure you that I will use this cheque book exclusively for official purposes and will comply with all the regulations and guidelines that the bank has set for this purpose.

Thank you for considering my application.
Yours faithfully,
[Your name]

Application for cheque book with name example

Application to Bank manager for lost cheque book format

The Manager,
[Bank Name],
[Bank Address],
[City, State, PIN]

Subject: Application for Lost Cheque Book

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention that I have lost my cheque book bearing the account number [insert your account number] with your bank. I request you to please block my cheque book as soon as possible to prevent any mishappening. I have already informed local police station regarding the theft.

I would request you to issue me a new cheque book as soon as possible. I understand that it may take some time for the issuance of the new cheque book. However, I request you to expedite the process so that I can start using my account again.

I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you and assure you that the bank can rely on me in any possible ways it can.

Thanking You,

Application to Bank manager for lost cheque book format

Sample Application for cheque book issue at post office


The Manager
Indian Post Office
[insert branch address]
[insert city]

Subject: Application for Cheque Book issue at Post Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to kindly request you to issue me a new cheque book as I have run out of my previous one. My Account number is [insert account number] and I request you to kindly issue a new cheque book with [insert number of cheques required] number of cheques in it.

I kindly request you to issue the new cheque book at the earliest as I have urgent transactions to be carried out. I have always trusted the services provide by the Indian Post Office and I am confident that my request will be taken into consideration at the earliest.

I hereby attach a copy of my identity proof along with this letter as per the instructions given by the bank.

Thank you for considering my request for this matter. Looking forward to a positive response from your end.

Yours sincerely,
[Insert your name]
[Insert your contact details]

Sample Application for cheque book issue at post office

Cheque book request letter authorization format


The Manager
[Bank Name and Branch]

Subject: Request for Cheque Book

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am [Your Name], having an account in your esteemed bank bearing account number [Your Account Number]. I am writing this letter to authorize the issuance of a cheque book in my name/account.

I request you to kindly issue a cheque book having [Number of Cheques required]. The reason for my request is [Mention the reason for requesting a new cheque book, such as the old one has been exhausted, or lost or stolen, etc.].

I have attached my ID proof and an authorization letter along with this request to issue a new cheque book. Kindly process the request at the earliest possible and inform me once it is ready for collection.

I am grateful for your assistance and would like to thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Cheque book request letter authorization format

Cheque book request letter SBI application example

The Branch Manager,
State Bank of India,
[Branch Address]

Subject: Cheque Book Request

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], holding a savings/current account bearing account number [Account Number], would like to request a new Cheque Book for my account.

I am requesting a new Cheque Book as my previous one has been exhausted, and I require it for conducting various financial transactions. It would be greatly appreciated if you could expedite the process and issue me the new Cheque Book as soon as possible.

Thank you for your prompt attention to my request. I look forward to receiving the Cheque Book at the earliest.


[Your Name]

Cheque book request letter SBI application example

New cheque book request letter for Canara Bank example

The Branch Manager,
Canara Bank,
[Branch Address],
[City Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a savings account holder in your bank with account number [Account Number]. I am writing this letter to request a new cheque book for my account. I have completed all the cheque leaves provided in my previous cheque book.

I kindly request you to issue me a new cheque book with 50 leaves. I would be grateful if you could expedite the process as it is inconvenient for me to wait for a long duration.

Thank you for providing me with excellent banking services. Looking forward to a prompt response from your end.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

New cheque book request letter for Canara Bank example

Corporation Bank new cheque book request letter format


The Branch Manager,
Corporation Bank,
[Branch Address],

Subject: Request for new Cheque Book

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a new Cheque Book for my account [Account Number] with your branch. Due to the exhausted availability of the previous chequebook, I need a new one to continue my transactions.

I request you to kindly process my request as soon as possible so that I can resume my banking activities without any hindrance. Please find the necessary details required for processing the request below:

Account Number: [Account Number]
Account Holder Name: [Name on Account]
Type of Account: [Savings/Current]

I would be highly grateful if you could consider my request and arrange the dispatch of the Cheque Book at the earliest to the registered address linked with the account.

Thanking you in anticipation.


[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

Corporation Bank new cheque book request letter format

Sample Application for cheque book for joint Account

The Branch Manager,
[Bank Name],
[Branch Address],

Subject: Application for Cheque Book for Joint Account

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to request a Cheque Book for our Joint Account [Account Number] in the name of [Account Holder 1] and [Account Holder 2]. We have been operating this account for the last six months, and we are satisfied with the service provided by your esteemed bank.

As we are running out of Cheques, we would kindly request you to issue a new Cheque Book at the earliest. This will help us in carrying out our transactions smoothly and efficiently.

Enclosed are the necessary documents [if any] required for processing the request. Please let us know if any further information is required.

Thank you for your prompt and efficient service.

Yours Faithfully,

[Your Name]
[Account Holder 1]
[Account Holder 2]

Sample Application for cheque book for joint Account

Sample for Cheque book issue Application for current Account

The Branch Manager,
[Bank Name],
[Branch Address]

Subject: Request for issuing a Cheque book for Current Account


I am writing this letter to request a Cheque book for my Current Account. My account number is [Account Number]. I have recently opened my Current Account and have not yet received my Cheque book.

I would like to request the issuance of a Cheque book that carries [number of leaves needed] Cheques for my Current Account. The Cheque book should be delivered to my mailing address as soon as possible. I need the Cheque book to carry out certain transactions and bill payments conveniently.

I am an esteemed customer of your Bank and have always had good experiences banking with you. I am confident that the issuance of my Cheque book will be resolved in the soonest possible time.

Thank you for your attention to my request.

Yours faithfully,

[Your name and signature]
[Account Holder’s Address]

Sample for Cheque book issue Application for current Account

Cheque book Application issue for savings Account letter format

The Branch Manager
[Bank Name]
[Branch Address]

Subject: Cheque Book Issue for Savings Account

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a cheque book for my savings account. My account number is [Account Number], and my name is [Name].

I request you to issue me a new cheque book with [Number of Leaves Required] leaves. I require the cheque book for day-to-day transactions and payments.

I assure you that all the cheques will be used strictly for personal use only. Kindly expedite this request so that I can continue with my financial transactions without any hassles.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Cheque book Application issue for savings Account letter format

Application for stop payment of cheque in Bank

The Branch Manager
[Name of the Bank]
[Address of the Bank]
[Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Stop Payment of Cheque No. [insert Cheque No.]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to request a stop payment on Cheque No. [insert Cheque No.][Date Issued] drawn on my account [Insert Account Number]. The reason for the stop payment request is [insert reason for stop payment, e.g., the cheque was lost or stolen, payment was made by another means, etc.].

I kindly request you to take necessary action to stop the payment of the above-mentioned cheque as soon as possible to avoid any future inconveniences. Please confirm the stop payment request has been processed, and a written confirmation would be appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.

[Your Name]
[Your Account Number]
[Your Signature]

Application for stop payment of cheque in Bank

Application for Cheque Book SBI in Hindi

केंद्रीय बैंक के शाखा प्रबंधक के नाम

पता: ________

विषय: चेक बुक के लिए आवेदन

मैं अपने कर्जे के भुगतान के लिए एसबीआई का खाता संख्या __ (अपना खाता संख्या लिखें) रखने वाला हुँ। इसलिए, मुझे एक चेक बुक की जरूरत है। मैं अपने बचत खाते का उपयोग सीधे चेक देने के लिए करना चाहता हूं।

इसलिए, आपसे निवेदन है कि आप मुझे एक नई चेक बुक प्रदान करें जिससे मैं अपने वित्तीय लेनदेन कर सकूं। कृपया मेरी इस अनुरोध को जल्द से जल्द पूरा करने का कष्ट करें।

आपका विश्वासयोग्य,

खाता संख्या:__________________
नाम: __________________
चेक बुक की संख्या: _____________

Application for Cheque Book SBI in Hindi

Application for Cheque Book Request: Things to Consider

Components of a Proper Application

When requesting a new cheque book, there are important components that your application must contain to ensure that it gets processed quickly and without any issues. Below are the essential parts of a cheque book request application:

  1. Account Details: The application must contain your account details, including your name, account number, and type of account.
  2. Reason for Request: Clearly state the reason for requesting a new cheque book, such as if the existing cheque book is exhausted or lost/stolen.
  3. Type of Cheque Book: Mention the type of cheque book you require, such as a personal or business cheque book.
  4. Cheque Book Quantity: Specify the number of cheque books you need, along with the number of cheque leaves in each book.
  5. Delivery Location: Indicate where you want the new cheque book to be delivered at, such as your home address or bank branch.
  6. Contact Information: Provide your contact details, including your phone number and email address, so that the bank can contact you if needed.

Structuring the Application

The application for a new cheque book must be structured correctly to ensure that all the important information is included and that it is easy to understand. Here are some tips to help you structuring your application:

  1. Begin with your personal information – Name, address, and account number should be the first thing to include in the application.
  2. State the Reason – Clearly state the reason for requesting a new cheque book, whether it is lost, or the exhausted current one.
  3. Type Required – Specify the type of cheque book you require.
  4. Quantity required – The number of cheque books, along with the number of leaves.
  5. Address for delivery – The address or branch of the bank you wish to get the new cheque book delivered.
  6. Contact Information – Provide your contact details.

By structuring the application with these points, the bank officers can quickly process your cheque book application, speed up the delivery process, and avoid inconvenience to the customer.

In conclusion, properly structured and informative cheque book request applications can ensure speedy delivery of your new cheque book. Follow the above-mentioned components and structuring format to ensure that your application is correctly processed, meeting the formalities of the bank, and available for collection or delivery as soon as possible.


How do I apply for a Cheque Book?

You can apply for a Cheque Book through online banking, mobile banking, ATM or by visiting your bank’s branch.

How long does it take to receive a Cheque Book?

It usually takes between 3 to 7 working days to receive a Cheque Book after your request and verification process are completed.

Is there a limit to the number of Cheque Books I can request?

Each bank has its own policy on issuing Cheque Books, but most banks have a limit on the number of Cheque Books a customer can request within a certain time frame.

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