Application for Leave in School for Marriage – 13 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Are you a parent or guardian of a student in a school in India and need to apply for leave due to an upcoming marriage event? Applying for leave in school for a marriage event can be a daunting task, with many questions about what to include in the application, how to write it correctly, and what details to mention.

For any parent or guardian, it is essential to understand the leave application process and ensure that all relevant details are covered in the application. A well-written leave application not only informs the school authorities about the student’s absence but also helps to build a positive relationship between the school and the parents/guardians.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a guide on the format and important points to consider while writing an application for leave in school for marriage in India. We’ll also share some sample leave applications to help you get an idea about how to write one appropriately.

Whether you’re a first-time writer of a leave application or looking for ways to improve your existing ones, this article is for you. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to write an effective leave application.

Application for Leave in School for Going Out of Station for Marriage

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Going Out of Station for Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school from [date] to [date] as I will be going out of the station for a family member’s marriage ceremony. Kindly grant me leave for the mentioned period. I will complete all the missed coursework upon my return.

Thank You.

Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]

Application for Leave in School for Going Out of Station for Marriage

Application for Leave in School for Sister Marriage

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Sister Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school from [date] to [date] as my sister’s wedding ceremony is on [date]. Please grant me leave for the mentioned days and oblige.

Thank you,

Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]

Application for Leave in School for Sister Marriage

Application for Leave in School for Brother Marriage

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Brother Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school for the period of [date] to [date]. as I will be attending my brother’s wedding ceremony. Kindly grant me leave for the mentioned days so that I can participate in the ceremony and celebrations.

Thank You,

Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]

Application for Leave in School for Brother Marriage

Application for Leave in School for Uncle’s Marriage

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Uncle’s Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school from [date] to [date] as my uncle’s marriage ceremony is on [date]. Please grant me leave for the mentioned days so that I may attend the wedding ceremony. I promise to make up for all the missed coursework upon my return.

Thank You,

Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]

Application for Leave in School for Uncle’s Marriage

Application for Leave in School for Marriage Function

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Marriage Function

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am requesting a leave of absence for [dates of leave] as I will be attending a family member’s marriage function. Kindly grant me leave for the mentioned days so that I can participate in the ceremony and celebrations.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]
Application for Leave in School for Marriage Function

Application for Leave in School for Attending Marriage

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Attending Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request leave from school from [date] to [date] as I will be attending a wedding in my family. Kindly grant me leave for the mentioned days so that I can participate in the ceremony and celebrations.

Thank You,
Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]
Application for Leave in School for Attending Marriage

Application for Leave in School for Cousin’s Marriage

The Principal
[School Name]

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Cousin’s Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school from [date] to [date] as my cousin’s wedding is on [date]. Please grant me leave for the mentioned days so that I may attend the wedding ceremony and activities. I will complete all the missed coursework on time.

Thanking You,
Yours obediently,
[Your Name]
[class and section]

Application for Leave in School for Cousin's Marriage

School Leave Application for Marriage

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,

Subject: School Leave Application for Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am a student of class/grade __ (mention your current class/grade). I am writing this letter to inform you that my brother/sister/relative is getting married, and I need to attend the marriage function.

I request you to grant me leave for __ days (mention the number of days you require leave for) from __ to __ (mention the dates). I assure you that I will complete all pending work before taking leave, and I will catch up on everything when I come back.

Please let me know if you need any further information about the wedding ceremony. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
(Your Name)

School Leave Application for Marriage

Leave Application for Marriage Function

The Principal/Class Teacher,
School Name,

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage Function

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to request leave from school to attend a marriage function in my family. I am a student of class/grade __ (mention your current class/grade) in your school.

I require leave for __ days (mention the number of days) from __ to __ (mention the dates). During my absence, I will ensure that I stay updated on all lessons by referring to class notes and studying at home.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my absence and kindly request you to approve my application.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
(Your Name)

Leave Application for Marriage Function

Application for Marriage Leave to School Principal in English

The Principal,
School Name,

Subject: Application for Marriage Leave to School Principal in English

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing to request leave from school as I need to attend a marriage function. I am a student of class/grade __ (mention your current class/grade) in your school.

I need leave for __ days (mention the number of days) from __ to __ (mention the dates). I promise to make up for any missed work by completing it before I go on leave.

I request you to kindly grant me leave and oblige.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
(Your Name)

Application for Marriage Leave to School Principal in English

Application for Leave in School for Marriage in English

The Class Teacher/Principal,
School Name,

Subject: Application for Leave in School for Marriage in English

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I need to take leave from school as I will be attending a marriage function in my family. I am a student of class/grade __ (mention your current class/grade).

I require leave for __ days (mention the number of days) from __ to __ (mention the dates). I assure you that I will complete all pending work before taking leave, and I will catch up on everything when I come back.

Please let me know if you require any additional information about the wedding ceremony. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
(Your Name)

Application for Leave in School for Marriage in English

Application for Leave in School due to Marriage

The Principal/Class Teacher,
School Name,

Subject: Application for Leave in School due to Marriage

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to request leave from school as I need to attend my sister’s/brother’s/relative’s marriage function. I am a student of class/grade __ (mention your current class/grade) in your school.

I require leave for __ days (mention the number of days) from __ to __ (mention the dates). During my absence, I will ensure that I stay updated on all lessons by referring to class notes and studying at home.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my absence and kindly request you to approve my application.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
(Your Name)

Application for Leave in School due to Marriage

Marriage Leave Application in English for School

The Principal/Class Teacher,
School Name,

Subject: Marriage Leave Application in English for School

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to request leave from school as I need to attend my sister’s/brother’s/relative’s marriage function. I am a student of class/grade __ (mention your current class/grade) in your school.

I need leave for __ days (mention the number of days) from __ to __ (mention the dates). I promise to make up for any missed work by completing it before I go on leave.

I request you to kindly grant me leave and oblige.

Thank you.
Yours obediently,
(Your Name)

Marriage Leave Application in English for School

Application for Leave in School for Marriage Format

When it comes to writing an application for leave in school for a marriage event, it’s essential to get it right. A well-written leave application not only helps school authorities to understand the reason for the student’s absence but also helps to build trust and communication between the school and the parents/guardians. In this section, we’ll cover the format and components that make up a proper application for leave in school for marriage in India.

Components of a Proper Application

A proper application for leave in school for a marriage event should contain specific details that ensure clarity and transparency. Here are some of the critical components to be included in your leave application:

  1. Heading and Address of the School: Begin your application by adding the heading and the complete address of the school. This is the first thing that the school authorities will see, and it is crucial to get it right.
  2. Subject Line: Add a specific subject line that explicitly states that the application is for leave due to a marriage event. This helps school authorities quickly identify the reason for your child’s absence.
  3. Salutation: Add a salutation to address the school authorities. This could be as simple as “Respected Principal” or “To the Class Teacher.”
  4. Main Body of the Application: This is the most critical component of your leave application. Here, you should explain the details of the upcoming marriage event and specify the duration of the leave needed.
  5. Conclusion: In conclusion, thank the school authorities for their cooperation and express your appreciation for their understanding.
  6. Signature: Add your signature at the end of the application along with your name as the parent/guardian.

Remember to keep the tone polite and appreciative to ensure a positive outcome.

Structuring the Application

Structuring your application is just as important as its components. Here’s an easy-to-follow structure to ensure that your application looks neat and well-organized:

  1. Header: Add the heading and complete address of the school
  2. Subject Line: Add a specific subject line
  3. Salutation: Address the school authorities
  4. Introduction: Provide a brief introduction of the student and the reason for the leave
  5. Main Body: Include the details of the marriage event and the duration of leave needed
  6. Conclusion: Express your appreciation and thank the school authorities for their cooperation
  7. Signature: Add your signature and name as the parent/guardian.

By following these guidelines and structuring your application appropriately, you’ll increase the chances of getting approval for your child’s leave.


What is the minimum duration of leave granted?

The duration of leave granted may vary from school to school. However, a minimum of 2-3 days is usually granted, depending on the type of event.

Do I need to attach any documents to the leave application?

It is not mandatory to attach any documents unless specifically requested by the school or college authorities.

Can I apply for leave after returning from the event?

No, it is advisable to apply for leave before the event to ensure the school has sufficient time to arrange for substitutes or make other necessary arrangements.

What should I do if my leave application is rejected?

You can speak with the respective authority to understand the reasons for the rejection and try to make alternative arrangements if possible. If there are no alternatives, you may have to miss the event and attend school. It is crucial to ensure that your academics are given priority over any personal event.

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