Leave Application for Office – 13 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Are you looking to take a break from work and need to write a leave application? Whether you’re feeling unwell, have a family emergency, or need a vacation, writing a leave application is essential to workplace etiquette in India.

In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to write a leave application that will help you get the time off you need without any hassle. From understanding the types of leave available to you to tips for writing a professional and polite application, we’ll cover it all.

We’ll also provide a leave application format that you can follow, along with multiple samples for the different types of leave, including annual, sick, maternity, paternity, casual, and bereavement.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to write a leave application that will get approved by your employer, ensuring that you can take the time you need without worrying about any negative impact on your career. So, let’s get started.

Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave from [start date] to [end date] due to some personal matter that requires my urgent attention. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave for the particular dates as mentioned above. I assure you that I will complete all my pending work before availing the leave.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

Sick Leave Application for Office

The HR Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Sick Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I am suffering from [mention the illness] and I have been advised complete rest by the doctor for [number of days] days. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me sick leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will make sure to complete my pending work before my leave starts.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Sick Leave Application for Office

One Day Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: One Day Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a one-day leave from work on [date]. I need to [mention the reason for the leave]. I have completed all my pending work and informed my colleagues of my absence. I will make sure to come back to work the next day fully charged and finish any pending work.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

One Day Leave Application for Office

Medical leave application for Office

The HR Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Medical leave application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have to undergo a medical procedure on [date] and the doctor has advised me to take [number of days] days of rest. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me medical leave from [start date] to [end date]. I will complete all my pending work before my leave starts and would keep you informed of my recovery.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Medical leave application for Office

Casual Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Casual Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a casual leave from [start date] to [end date]. There is [mention the reason]. I will make sure to complete my pending work before my leave and would resume work on [return date].

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Casual Leave Application for Office

Marriage Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Marriage Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave from [start date] to [end date] as I am getting married. I need this time to make necessary arrangements for my wedding. I assure you that I will complete all my work before my leave and any urgent matters can be directed to [colleague name]. I hope you understand my situation and grant me the leave.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

[Your Name]

Marriage Leave Application for Office

Wedding Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Wedding Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to request for leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] as I will be attending my family member’s wedding ceremony. I request for your approval to be allowed to take off for these dates. I will ensure to complete all pending tasks and make necessary arrangement for my absence.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

Wedding Leave Application for Office

Holiday Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Holiday Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave from [start date] to [end date] as I need to take a vacation. I assure you that I will hand over all my pending tasks to [colleague name] before my leave starts. Please grant me leave for the mentioned dates as I need to rejuvenate and come back to work with a fresh perspective.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

Holiday Leave Application for Office

Maternity Leave Application for Office

The HR Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Maternity Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant and my due date is approaching. Therefore, I request you to grant me maternity leave for the period of [number of weeks] starting from [date]. I will make sure to complete all my pending work before my leave and will inform you of any important updates during my absence.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Maternity Leave Application for Office

Emergency Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Emergency Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request an emergency leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [mention the reason for the emergency leave]. I assure you that I will complete all my pending work and would make sure to arrange for someone to take on my responsibilities during my absence. Please grant me leave for the mentioned dates as it is a personal emergency and requires my attention.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

[Your Name]

Emergency Leave Application for Office

Death Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Death Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave from [start date] to [end date] as my [relation with deceased] has passed away. I need to take time off to attend the funeral and to take care of the necessary arrangements. I request you to kindly grant me leave for the mentioned dates and assure you that I will complete all my pending work before my leave starts.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Death Leave Application for Office

Family Function Leave Application for Office

The Manager,
[Company Name],
[Office Address]

Subject: Family Function Leave Application for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave from [start date] to [end date] as I need to attend an important family function. I request you to kindly grant me leave for the mentioned dates and assure you that I will make sure to complete all my pending work before my leave starts. Please feel free to contact me in case of any urgent matter that needs my attention.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

[Your Name]

Family Function Leave Application for Office

Leave Application for Office in Hindi

सेवा में,
मैनेजर/HR मैनेजर,
[कम्पनी का नाम],
[ऑफिस का पता]

विषय: ऑफिस के लिए छुट्टी के लिए आवेदन

प्रिय सर/मैडम,

मैं [छुट्टी शुरू होने की तारीख] से [छुट्टी समाप्ति की तारीख] तक कुछ निजी मामले के कारण छुट्टी के लिए अनुरोध कर रहा हूँ। कृपया आप मेरे अनुरोध को मंजूर करें। मैं आपको आश्वस्त करता हूँ कि छुट्टी से पहले मैं अपने सभी अधिसूचित कामों को पूरा कर डालूंगा।

आपके समर्थन और समझ के लिए धन्यवाद।

आपका वाक्यसिद्ध,
[आपका नाम]

Leave Application for Office in Hindi

Also Check: Leave Application in Hindi

Leave Application for Office Format

Taking a break from work is necessary for maintaining a work-life balance. However, requesting leave can often be stressful, especially when you’re unsure of how to write a proper leave application. Fortunately, with the right format, writing a leave application can be a hassle-free experience.

The following are the key components of a proper leave application for the workplace in India.

Components of a Proper Leave Application

  1. Date: Start with writing the date on which you’re applying.
  2. Subject: Mention the subject as ‘Leave Application’.
  3. Addressee: Write the name, designation, and department of the person responsible for approving your leave.
  4. Salutation: Use a polite and professional salutation like ‘Respected’ or ‘Dear’.
  5. Reason for the Leave: Mention the reason for taking leave and keep it brief yet specific.
  6. Date(s) of Leave: Mention the dates of your leave. Include the start and end dates to avoid any confusion.
  7. Duration of the Leave: Specify the number of days you take leave.
  8. Work Status: Let your employer know about your work status and whether you have all your pending tasks.
  9. Contact Details: Provide your contact details, including email, mobile number, and address.
  10. Closing: Conclude the application on a polite note, thanking the employer for their consideration.
  11. Signature: Sign the application to make it official.

Structuring the Application

To make your leave application structurally sound, you can follow this format:

  • Introduction: In the beginning, mention the date and subject to understand the application’s objective clearly.
  • Reason: In the second paragraph, state why you’re taking leave.
  • Dates and Duration: In the third paragraph, mention the dates, including the start and the end date and duration for which you’ll be on leave.
  • Work Status: Provide your work status in the fourth paragraph, and inform them whether you’ll leave work pending/unfinished or have already finished everything.
  • Closing: In the final paragraph, thank your employer and offer to help co-workers if needed.

By following this format, you can structure your leave application, making it easy to understand and ensuring that all essential components are covered properly. Following a clear and concise format will also demonstrate your professionalism and dedication to your work.


What is the format for writing a leave application for office?

The format includes the date, the name of the recipient, subject line, a salutation, a brief reason for the leave request, the date range for the leave, and a closing note with your name and signature.

What should I mention in the reason for leave section?

You should mention the reason for your leave in a concise and clear manner. Avoid giving unnecessary details and stick to the key reason.

Is it necessary to mention the duration of the leave?

Yes, it is essential to mention the date range of your leave.

Can I apply for leave via email?

Yes, you can apply for leave via email as well. However, it’s always best to check with your employer if they accept leave applications via email.

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