Extension of Leave Application – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

If you’re an employee in India, chances are you’ll need to apply for leave at some point in your career. While the reasons for taking leave may vary from person to person, applying for and receiving approval for an extension of leave can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of getting an extension of leave in India, including the format and essential elements of writing an extension of leave application.

Whether you’re on sick leave, maternity leave, or bereavement leave, it’s important to follow the correct format and include all the essential details in your application for an extension of leave. By doing so, you can not only increase your chances of having your extension approved, but also avoid any misunderstandings or confusion with your employer.

So, let’s dive into the types of leave available in India and how to write an extension of leave application that’s sure to get you the time you need. Whether it’s a few extra days or a few more weeks, we’ve got you covered.

Application for Leave Extension

The Manager,
[Company/Organization Name],

Subject: Application for Leave Extension

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request for an extension of my leave. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, I am unable to join back on the scheduled date. I have planned to rejoin work on [date]. Therefore, I request you to grant an extension of my leave till [date].

Thank you for your kind consideration.

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]

Application for Leave Extension

Application for Extension of Maternity Leave

The HR Manager,
[Company/Organization Name],

Subject: Application for Extension of Maternity Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request an extension of my maternity leave. As my doctor has advised me, I need to take rest for some more days. Therefore, I request you to extend my maternity leave till [date].

Thank you for your kind consideration.

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]

Application for Extension of Maternity Leave

Application for Leave or for Extension of Leave

The HR Manager,
[Company/Organization Name],

Subject: Application for Leave or for Extension of Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to request you to grant me leave starting from [date] to [date] due to [reason]. As per my present situation, I might require an extension of leave to [date].

Thank you for your kind consideration.

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]

Application for Leave or for Extension of Leave

Application for Leave Extension Due to Family Problem

The Manager,
[Company/Organization Name],

Subject: Application for Leave Extension Due to Family Problem

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request an extension of leave due to a family problem. As I am the only person responsible for my family, I need to stay with them and take care of the situation. Therefore, I request you to extend my leave till [date].

Thank you for your kind consideration.

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]

Application for Leave Extension Due to Family Problem

Application for Extension of Leave on Medical Grounds

The HR Manager,
[Company/Organization Name],

Subject: Application for Extension of Leave on Medical Grounds

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request an extension of my leave due to my medical condition. As per my doctor’s advice, I need to take more rest. Therefore, I request you to extend my leave till [date].

Thank you for your kind consideration.

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]

Application for Extension of Leave on Medical Grounds

Application for Leave Extension Due to Illness

The HR Manager,
[Company/Organization Name],

Subject: Application for Leave Extension Due to Illness

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request an extension of my leave due to my ongoing illness. As per my doctor’s advice, I need to take an extra week to recover completely. Therefore, I request you to extend my leave till [date].

Thank you for your kind consideration.

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]

Application for Leave Extension Due to Illness

Extension of Leave Application Format

If you’re looking to apply for an extension of your leave, you must ensure that your application is appropriately structured and contains all the necessary components. In this article, we will guide you through the essential elements you need to include while drafting a leave extension application.

Components of a proper application

Before we delve into the proper structuring of your application, it’s essential to understand the left-application format’s elements that you need to incorporate into your extension request:

  1. Essential Information – A proper leave extension application must include crucial details such as your name, your employer’s name, your department, and your employee code. Along with that, clearly state how many days/weeks/months you are applying for an extension.
  2. Reason for the Extension – Clearly state the reason for your leave extension. Whether it’s for personal reasons, medical grounds, or family reasons, include it in your application to give your employer clarity on why you are requesting the extension.
  3. Credible Supporting Documentation – It’s suggested to attach supporting documents relevant to your extension. For instance, if you’re seeking an extension for medical reasons submitting a doctor’s note or prescription may be helpful and add credibility to your request.

Structuring of the application

Now that you know what goes on your leave extension application follow the below structuring to make it an effective one.

  1. Start with a Formal Salutation – Address the concerned authority professionally, mentioning their full name and designation, followed by a proper salutation like ‘Sir/Madam.’
  2. Briefly mention your initial leave period – State the exact date when you initiated your initial leave, the reason behind it, and the duration of that leave.
  3. Mention the extension period – State the duration for which you are asking an extension.
  4. Provide Reasoning for the Extension – State the circumstances that led you to request the extension of your leave. Be clear and precise about your reason while maintaining professionalism.
  5. Attach the supporting documentation- If you have any relevant supporting documentation to support your request attach them.
  6. Close the Application – End your application on a positive and grateful note. Thank your employer for their time and consideration, and encourage them to reach out to you with any further questions or concerns.

By following this proper structuring guideline and covering all the vital components, you can draft a leave extension application that’s sure to grab your employer’s attention for approval.

In conclusion, requesting an extension to your leave period can be done with ease by following the right format and structure explained in this article. The ultimate success of your leave extension depends on the clarity and professionalism demonstrated in the application. Remember to be honest and polite in your application, and you can expect a positive response from your employer.


How many days of leave can an employee get?

The number of days of leave an employee can get varies from organization to organization and also the type and reason for leave.

What is the process of applying for leave?

To apply for leave, the employee needs to inform their supervisor of their intent to take leave and also submit an application for leave to the HR or the concerned department.

Can an employee extend their leave after the initial application?

Yes, employees can extend their leave by applying for an extension, stating a valid reason and duration of extension.

Is there a limit to the number of days of leave an employee can take in a year?

Yes, generally, there is a limit to the number of days of leave an employee can take in a year, as specified in the company policies.

Can an employee take leave for personal reasons?

Yes, employees can take leave for personal reasons, such as family events, personal illness, and other reasons, as specified by the company policies.

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